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As the Amazon burns, the smoke poisons its people.
Brazil has laws that are meant to protect the rainforest, but since President Jair Bolsonaro took office in 2019, enforcement of those laws has been negligible.
And destruction of the Amazon rainforest has surged to levels unseen in a decade. 
During his first year government data reveals an increase of 85% in forest loss.

Fires in the Amazon’s verdant rainforests are not a natural phenomenon.
Deforestation is followed by fires deliberately set by people looking to clear the land for agriculture, cattle-grazing and real estate speculation, among others.

Colonel Paulo Barroso
Executive Secretary of Mato Grosso state’s Fire Committee

 “Experiencing fires here in the Amazon region is something you can’t forget. You feel the air is dense. The impact is general: it's fauna, flora, it's human. Everyone suffers.” 

In the last 35 years more than half a million square kilometres of rainforest have been razed, most of it illegally. A Human Rights Watch investigation uncovered how the state is letting criminal mafias get away with destroying the rainforest.  And the repercussions have been disastrous. 

In 2019, more than 5,500 square kilometres were burned. By April 2020, there were already a total of 4,500 square kilometres of deforested land that could be burned during this dry season. And despite the government claiming they were now clamping down, the razing and fires continue.

The smoke from burning forests contains a mixture of toxic pollutants, including fine particulate matter known as PM 2.5, which can penetrate the lung barrier and enter the bloodstream.

Our research estimated 2,195 hospitalizations for respiratory illnesses in 2019 were associated with exposure to these toxic pollutants from the fires. These included more than a thousand patients aged 60 or above, and almost 500 infants under one.

Doctors fear the patients they see are just a tiny fraction of those falling seriously ill from the fires.

Indigenous people in Brazil are particularly affected by the fires and often live far from medical care.

Kari Guajajara
Lawyer, Araribóia Indigenous Territory

“we need to start thinking a little more powerfully about how these processes that affect the Amazon reflect on the lives of the inhabitants."

Covid-19 makes the situation even more dangerous.  Brazil’s health system is already struggling to cope with the Covid19 pandemic and doctors say the fire season will endanger even more people .   

Dr. Hermano Albuquerque de Castro
Director of Brazil's National School of Public Health (ENSP)

“If a person is affected by the fire’s smoke and it affects his or her respiratory illness, this person is forced to go to a hospital, which is already strangled. You put at risk people who have a simple case of bronchitis. A lot of people, who didn't have Covid-19, go to the hospitals and get infected."

These devastating effects can be prevented. Authorities should  stop the deforestation and fires that are at the source of the toxic haze. And they need to take action now to protect the rainforest and to enforce safe air quality standards to protect the lives and health of millions in the Amazon region.

(巴西利亞)- 亞馬遜環境研究所(IPAM)、健康政策研究所(IEPS)和人權觀察今天發表報告指出,不受約束的人為毀林導致森林大火,正在毒化數百萬人賴以呼吸的空氣,影響整個巴西亞馬遜地區的人類健康。前述機構表示,亞馬遜地區的火災和砍伐數量在2019年——即總統博索納羅上任第一年——急劇增加,並已證實在2020年繼續惡化。


「在巴西有效遏制森林砍伐之前,大火將年年持續,持續破壞亞馬遜森林,毒化數百萬巴西人呼吸的空氣,」人權觀察巴西部主任瑪麗亞・勞拉・加尼紐(Maria Laura Canineu)說。「博索納羅政府迄今未能解決這一環境危機,不僅直接影響亞馬遜居民的健康,也將造成全球氣候變化的長期後果。」









「當局應採取更多措施來解決這一長期且可預防的公共衛生危機,」IEPS主任拉戈(Miguel Lago)說。「政府應該實施有效的空氣質量監測機制並執行空氣質量標準,通過預防性和應對性的政策維護健康,並特別關注弱勢群體。」





相對地,副總統莫朗(HamiltonMourão)在8月10日表示,政府已派員執行「遏止毀林和大火的緊急措施」。作為因應各界責難而成立的亞馬遜理事會(Amazon Council)主席,莫朗一再動用軍隊進行環境執法。這些行動的有效性微乎其微,2020年的森林砍伐與火警偵測數量仍持續攀升。


「聯邦政府有義務保護亞馬遜及其原居民構成的獨特生態系統,但是對雨林的加速破壞正將我們推向無法復原的臨界點,對巴西經濟和全球氣候變遷將造成不可逆轉的後果,」亞馬遜環境研究所主任紀馬雷斯(André Guimarães)說。「聯邦政府必須在最短時間內確保所有環境執法機構的有效協調,才能避免這場災難。」

In August 2019, nearly three million people in 90 Amazon region municipalities were exposed to harmful air pollution levels over the World Health Organization’s recommended threshold.  ©
In September 2019, nearly 4.5 million people in 168 Amazon region municipalities were exposed to harmful air pollution levels over the World Health Organization’s recommended threshold.  ©



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